Partner Policy
1. Introduction
As a basis for trusting and long-term partnerships, the PreciTaste Group expects all suppliers and business partners to respect and comply with the following provisions on anti-corruption, fair competition and antitrust law, data protection and information security. Globalization and the resulting worldwide procurement networks are leading to a social and environmental responsibility that is no longer merely regional, but also global.
2. General Behavioral Requirements
2.1 Adherence to Laws and Compliance
Each partner of the PreciTaste Group is required to comply with the following requirements:
Applicable laws, regulations and internal instructions must be complied with and ensured.
The principles described in this guideline represent a minimum standard. Country-specific supplements based on the respective cultural conditions remain unaffected.
In all activities and business relationships, act in a fair, respectful and trustworthy manner.
Conflicts of interest that could influence business decisions must be avoided.
No unlawful advantage is to be gained for oneself or others.
Compliance, information security and data protection incidents shall be reported to the PreciTaste Group’s Project Manager, the PreciTaste Group’s Compliance Department (, the Information Security Officer ( or the Data Protection Officer ( if they are related to the PreciTaste Group.
2.2 Respect for Human Rights
Respect for human rights is an integral part of corporate responsibility.
Suppliers shall treat all individuals with respect and fairness and create a business environment that is free from any inhumane acts. They shall treat their employees and any other party with respect and dignity and refrain from unlawful harassment.
Any form of human trafficking is rejected by PreciTaste. PreciTaste expects its suppliers not to tolerate human trafficking in their business in any way, in particular by not entering into business relationships with companies that may be associated with human trafficking. They shall take reasonable steps to ensure that all supply chains associated with the supplier also act in accordance with these principles.
3. Anti-Corruption
Corruption is the abuse of a position of trust with the aim of gaining a material or immaterial advantage. Corresponding criminal offenses are:
Bribery and corruptibility
Granting and acceptance of advantages
The PreciTaste Group prohibits offering or accepting gratuities if they are likely to improperly influence its own or business partners’ behavior. We expect our partners to reject corrupt and company-damaging behavior and to comply with the following requirements:
No tangible or intangible benefits may be accepted or given.
Any exploitation of a position of power to grant an advantage is inadmissible.
Private interests must not influence business decisions. If conflicts of interest arise, they must be resolved in an appropriate manner.
Every business transaction must be transparent.
Procedures must be documented in writing.
Payments are to be made after invoice, by means of bank transfer. Cash payments are to be refused.
Payments to private accounts are prohibited.
Payments are to be made/released under the dual control principle.
The awarding and acceptance of sponsorship and donations must not be abused.
4. Fair Competition and Antitrust Law
We take appropriate technical measures in accordance with Art. 32 GDPR, taking into account the state of the art, the implementation costs and the nature, scope, circumstances and purposes of the processing as well as the different likelihood and severity of the risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons and organizational measures to ensure a level of protection appropriate to the risk.Measures include, in particular, ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical access to the data, as well as their access, input, disclosure, availability and separation. We have also set up procedures to ensure the enjoyment of data subject rights, the erasure of data and the response to data compromise.If we process data in a third country or in the context of the use of third party services or disclosure or transmission of data to third parties, this will only be done if it is to fulfil our (pre) contractual obligations, on the basis of your consent, on the basis of a legal obligation or on the basis of our legitimate interests.
5. Dealing With Employees
5.1 Fair Working Conditions
The PreciTaste Group recognizes the employee’s entitlement to appropriate remuneration and complies with the legally guaranteed minimum wage of the respective country of operation.
Applicable wage and working time regulations must be complied with by all suppliers, in particular regulations on minimum wage and overtime. Statutory social benefits may not be denied. The supplier shall make further voluntary social benefits available to the employees according to his possibilities.
5.2 Rejection of Forced and Child Labor, Dealing with Young Workers
Any form of forced and child labor is rejected by PreciTaste. The PreciTaste Group expects its suppliers to refrain from forced and child labor in their business and not to tolerate it in anyway, in particular in the way that they do not procure materials from supply chains that are related to forced or child labor. They shall take appropriate measures to ensure that their own suppliers also act in accordance with these principles.
Young employees are to be treated in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and encouraged in their career path. For the PreciTaste Group, sound training of its young employees represents a decisive success factor. This ethos is also expected from our suppliers.
6. Environment, safety and health
6.1 Natural resource management
The supplier shall reduce the consumption of raw materials to a minimum in every business activity. In particular, care shall be taken to use energy and water sparingly. If possible, the use of renewable resources shall be preferred and the release of greenhouse gas emissions shall be reduced to a minimum.
PreciTaste Group suppliers must try to reduce any emissions in accordance with the currently valid state of the art. Polluting emissions must be treated before release into the environment.The current air and water quality must at least be maintained at the respective site.
The supplier shall avoid waste as far as possible or recycle it. Materials used in any business activity should be reused.
Chemicals that pose a risk to humans and the environment through release are to be avoided wherever possible. The supplier undertakes to introduce a chemical management system which ensures safe use and transport as well as safe storage, reprocessing, reuse and disposal.
6.2 Occupational health and safety
The PreciTaste Group expects its suppliers to comply with applicable health and safety laws and regulations. Suppliers are required to provide a safe and health-friendly working environment in accordance with applicable International Labor Organization guidelines.
7. Data Protection
We create trust among our employees, business partners and customers by respecting data protection as a personal right. To secure this trust, our partners are instructed to observe the following regulations.
7.1 Commitment to Data Secrecy and Confidentiality
The partners of PreciTaste shall bind their employees to data secrecy and confidentiality.
7.2 Dealing with data breaches
In order for the PreciTaste Group to comply with its reporting obligations under data protection law, our partners are instructed to immediately notify the respective project manager, the data protection officer or the information security officer of the PreciTaste Group of any data mishaps in the context of commissioned processing.
7.3 Data subject rights and information security
The General Data Protection Regulation multiplies the obligations to be taken into account with regards to the information of data subjects. The data subjects should know who collects which data about them and for what purpose and be entitled to check the data collection and processing or use. The data subjects of a data processing have all the rights they are entitled to according to Art. 7 GDPR and Art. 12-22 GDPR. The partners of the PreciTaste Group are required to support the processing of corresponding requests from data subjects in accordance with the order processing agreement.
8. Information Security
8.1 Security Guidelines
The partners of PreciTaste shall bind their employees to data secrecy and confidentiality.
Ensuring the availability, integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of information. To ensure these requirements, PreciTaste requires suppliers to implement policies to ensure the availability, integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of information, as well as compliance with legal regulations and customer requirements.
Ensure compliance with legal regulations and customer requirements.
Ensure a continuous improvement process under the supervision of an Information Security Officer.
Compliance with the information security rules of this policy and notification of anomalies.
Providing a secure IT environment and trouble-free operation.
Ensuring secure data exchange among ourselves, with our customers as well as our suppliers.
The stipulations of this policy and the requirements for an appropriate level of information security and data protection are contractually passed on to the supplier’s subcontractors.
8.2 Cloud Services
If a new cloud service is to be deployed in the activity for the PreciTaste Group, the project officer and the information security officer as well as, especially in the case of processing personal data, the data protection officer must also be involved in the planning.
8.3 Cryptography
Cryptography is a method of protecting information and communications by using code so that only those who are cleared to do so can read and process the information. The PreciTaste Group’s partners are prohibited from using proprietary cryptography, either in the form of algorithms, communication protocols, or as random number generators. Instead, established standard libraries, functions and protocols are to be used for encryption.
9. Briefings
Instruction on the topics in this policy for the supplier’s employees is provided by the partner company itself.
10. Compliance with the Partner Policy
The PreciTaste Group may verify the compliance of suppliers with the aforementioned principles and requirements by means of self-disclosures by the supplier, audits or in any other appropriate manner if there is justified cause, e.g. if criminal proceedings are initiated against the supplier. If the legal regulations applicable to the respective location of the supplier are more restrictive than the regulations applicable to PreciTaste in the Federal Republic of Germany, these shall take precedence.
A violation of the principles and requirements of this Partner Policy is a material breach of contract by the Supplier and entitles PreciTaste to immediately terminate the Supplier relationship in whole or in part, including permanently.

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